Update Version 0.2

New Features: 
• Difficulties:
               ○ Easy ( small field of view, more time to spot player )
               ○ Normal
               ○ Hard ( big field of view, less time to spot player )

• Guard:
                ○ A guard has a invisible sphere around him,
                   if the player goes in the sphere he will be spotted

• Collectables:
                ○ Particle effect added to key, security key and sledgehammer
                   for more visibility

• New Icons:
                ○ Key
                ○ Security key
                ○ Sledgehammer

• New Models:
                ○ Key
                ○ Security key
                ○ Sledgehammer
                ○ Guard Desk
                ○ Vault
                ○ Elevator (Arrow in front of the elevator)

• New Animations:
                ○ Vault open animation

• User Interface (UI):
                ○ New guard note design
                ○ New button to latest devlog

• Messages:
                ○ Message after turning off camera
                ○ Message after deactivating lasers


Fixed Bugs:
• Pause menu can’t be opened in the win/lose menu.
• Level 3: Player can no longer be spotted after exiting the elevator
• Gold icon is now in the middle of the inventory slot

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